07 Aug
Well I want to say I have a good excuse for not blogging and I have…in fact I have TWO very big excuses but one is still a secret for now….the other is…
I’ve moved house, not just from another county but from another country!
I’m finally back in the UK and loving it, and it was great to see the sun came out to welcome me home!
I now have a new workshop in the back garden and am up and running again, its heaven to be able to find my tools without digging around in a variety of unmarked boxes….yes, yes….I realise I should have marked them but that’s a mistake I learnt too late!! And I’m sure hubby is pleased to have me out of the house and not constantly banging and bashing away in the spare room.
Now onto some BIG news…about six months ago a lovely lady called Mrs B tweeted me to ask if I could make her a Bee Hairstick, of course I welcomed the commission and between us we came up with this little design:
I posted it off to her and that’s when she told me it was for a little TV show that she might be in..…well lo and behold months later Mrs B emailed me to tell me that the said TV show was going to be called ‘This Old Thing’ and would be on Channel 4 and presented by Dawn Porter and would be on very soon!!
So I excitingly waited and waited and finally in June the show started! It transpired that Mrs B was none other than Jax Black (Senior Technician for teaching and learning for Costume) at the London College of Fashion….now I don’t pretend to know what a Senior Technician is but anyone that teaches at the London College of Fashion is pretty cool in my eyes!!! So you can imagine at this point I was even more honoured to have been commissioned for a piece from this “lady in the know’.
Jax ‘s alter ego is Mrs Bee who is a bespoke vintage dressmaker/pattern cutter and sewing tutor who lives and breaths the days gone by especially 1940s, 50s and 60s.
Now don’t get me wrong you have to keep a keen eye out to spot my little bee hair stick but its there and I’m privileged to have been asked and Mrs Bee assures me she wears it on a regular basis and loves it…..and for me that’s the most important thing…. my clients loving their items!!
On a final note, I have just received these wonderful hand printed tights through the post, they are….in the words of Perez Hilton AMAZEBALLS!
……now I realise the second pair are more suited to Winter and Christmas but as you may or may not know I am pretty much crazy about Christmas so anytime is a good time for Christmas themed tights in my eyes!
Go check out the website and if you sign up for the August newsletter there’s a special offer on till the end of the month and some rather fab Sale tights too…hurry or you’ll miss it!!!
Categories: news Tags: bee hair stick, channel 4, exciting new